We are an Elder governed, Apostolically led, Kingdom family fellowship

The best place to watch our live service or our archive messages
 is on  The Identity's Church APP or WEBSITE

"Identity Church Live"
at 10:45 am ET, on our
Website, Church App,  Facebook or YouTube Channel

 Identity Church Service: 
Next Sunday, May  05, 2024
Live in-person @ 10:00 am ET
Livestream starts @ 10:45 am ET
The message starts around 11:00 am ET

Watch our latest message:
"Don't Let The Old Man In"
by Pastor Charlie Coker

Watch our latest Thursday Night Return message:
"The MEANing of God"
by  Tim Hagan

Únete a nosotras el primer sábado del mes

Para nuestra extensión en español

Please share with your friend on social media

We're glad you are here, come on in

Welcome, Come on in

Times we meet

Intercessory Prayer in the "Chamber,"  @ 9 am
Coffee Fellowship in the "Green Room"  @ 9:30 am
"Experience Identity" Service @ 10 am
Kingdom Men  @  7 pm in the "Green Room."
"Thursday Night Return" Service  @  7 pm

Contact Identity Church

 Want to know more about Identity Church?  Fill out the form below to get started.  We'd love to hear from you.